Source code for minsketch.count_mean_sketch

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This model implements count-mean-min sketches, as described by Goyal and
Daumé (2011):

The design here is a little iffy - there's a fair amount of code duplication
between the two classes. Perhaps a mixin would fit better, or changing the
from itertools import izip

from numpy import median

import count_min_sketch
import double_hashing

# TODO: Re-consider design here at some point - Mixins? Different abstraction?

[docs]class CountMeanMinSketch(count_min_sketch.TopNCountMinSketch): """A count-mean-min sketch, based on the regular TopNCountMinSketch. The two main changes include using error-estimates from the updater (regular or conservative), and returning min between the minimum of the regularly queried values, and the median of the values after accounting for the error estimates. """
[docs] def get(self, item): hashes = self.hash(item) values = [self.table.get(i, hashes[i]) for i in range(self.table.depth)] error_estimates = self.updater.count_mean_error_estimates(self.table, values) return min( median( sorted([value - error for value, error in izip(values, error_estimates)])), min(values))
[docs] def most_common(self, k=None): """Re-query the top-n keys using the count-mean query algorithm, and then return the top k of the re-queried results :param k: The number of top items to return, at most n, as this function was initialized :return: The top k items observed by this CM sketch, and how often they were seen """ mean_values = [(key, self.get(key)) for _, key in self.top_n] mean_values.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True) if k is None or k > self.n: k = self.n return mean_values[:k]
[docs]class HashPairCountMeanMinSketch(double_hashing.HashPairCMSketch): """A count-mean-min sketch, based on the HashPair CM SKETCH. The two main changes include using error-estimates from the updater (regular or conservative), and returning min between the minimum of the regularly queried values, and the median of the values after accounting for the error estimates. """
[docs] def get(self, item): hashes = self.hash(item) values = [self.table.get(i, hashes[i]) for i in range(self.table.depth)] error_estimates = self.updater.count_mean_error_estimates(self.table, values) return min( median( sorted([value - error for value, error in izip(values, error_estimates)])), min(values))
[docs] def most_common(self, k=None): """Re-query the top-n keys using the count-mean query algorithm, and then return the top k of the re-queried results :param k: The number of top items to return, at most n, as this function was initialized :return: The top k items observed by this CM sketch, and how often they were seen """ mean_values = [(key, self.get(key)) for _, key in self.top_n] mean_values.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True) if k is None or k > self.n: k = self.n return mean_values[:k]